Monday, December 10, 2007

Hey DJ, play dat tune!

Rhythmic editing....... this project was what you made it, on one hand it was a great chance to be creative, on the other hand it was the most monotonous project that i had produced all semester. The concept behind my project was two prospectives conjoining to tell a story, the first perspective being an on looker watching a person play with their dog. The second was the dogs perspective coming into the house and seeing what a dog sees and steps (she) must go through to end up with a dog treat. I used obvious objects (blue door, dog bones) and similar movements to help the audience know from the first couple of clips that it was two point of views where telling the same story in the same space. After everything was shot and i was in the editing lab from there i wanted to place the clips in the 5,15,10,5 frame pattern as random as possible by not repeating any pattern twice (on purpose) to see if the audience could follow the "clues" and there by follow the story of the two POV's.

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